Reason, one of the foremost libertarian journals in the United States, has published a letter to the editor concerning syriapol in its May issue:
This was also alluded to in an article on, discussing Liz Cheney's impact on American policy toward Syria.After the Damascus Spring
Guy Taylor did a great job writing about Syrian bloggers and Internet freedom in "After the Damascus Spring" (February). If you're looking for a delicious irony, consider my story: I created a political website for Syrians inside Syria. It was blocked and nobody in the country could view it.
Why? Not because of Assad or some other Syrian control freak—because of, from which I bought the domain name. Because of U.S. sanctions, no one inside Syria (or any other sanctioned nation) is able to view any site that GoDaddy registers or hosts. Is that insane or what?
George Ajjan - Clifton, NJ