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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Feedback from syriapol users

Feedback from syriapol users so far has been outstanding. It is indeed exciting to see Syrians taking this poll and expressing their political points of view with passion, as diverse as they are (both pro-regime and pro-opposition).

I also thank everyone for their compliments and constructive criticisms. I would estimate that 90% of the feedback has been positive. Here are some examples.

"Congratulations on the seeming success of your endeavour. You have to be commended for executing a project of this type."
"Thank you for taking on this important initiative."
"I'm happy that your direct attention to all comments is gaining trust in your survey."
"Thanks, and as to what you are doing the famous saying applies: To light a candle is thousand times better than cursing the darkness."
"The idea is really great. This is the first effort of the kind that I am aware of."
"The results turned out to be pretty consistent with my general views. This is a testament to how good the survey has been constructed. I would like to congratulate Mr. Ajjan and encourage others to participate."
"Very well designed survey. I think George really took his time in designing and fine-tuning it."
"Great Job really. The choices are put forward in a very smart way to discern the important facts."
There were only 2 or 3 nasty replies to the poll. Here is how one person filled out the questions on the survey. I leave you to judge, bearing in mind that my surname is مو عجاج : عجان

birth = بلدي الذي أنت تكرهه
residence = أرضي التي تريد أغتصابها
citizenship = أنا عربي و أفتخر لعروبتي و لا أريد لمتأمرك مثلك أن يعلمني الوطنية
news = بالطبع ليس من طريقكم يا أيها الخونة
party = حزب المحبة للوطن يا بائع الوطن يا عجاج الكلب
ethnicity = أنت بلا أصل و العيب ليس عليك بل على أهلك الذين لم يربوك جيداً
religion = طبعاً لن أكون متصهين مثلك و عميل
email = La3nat_almsaih@3lik.com


birth = حوش عرب كله جرب
residence = بيت الجيران لأنو عنا فيران
citizenship = جنسية أبوكم يا ولادين الدب
news = يا ولادين الكلب متلكم بيجبوا الفتنة
party = جزب كل مين أيدو ألو شو دخلكم فينا
ethnicity = نحنا كلنا مالنا أصل هلق بدكن تساوا فتنة
religion = مسلم ارذثوكس أو شيعي كاثوليك أو ما دخلكم
email = Tfou_Alikom_Mni@Ikhoanmslmin.org